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Do I have to register my hands when I become a black belt?No, that is an urban myth. Martial Artists are not required to register their hands.
Do I have to be in good shape before I start?No, you will get into shape as you train. We have a series of exercises that you will learn as you progress through the ranking system which will enable you to increase your fighting potential as well as get in great shape!
I am 31 years old, am I too old to start martial arts?"No, you are not too old to begin martial arts training. Martial arts students around the world have been known to continue training into their 90's. Helio Gracie famously trained at the age of 95. Age is just a number.
What is the difference between Keichu-Do and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu?Keichu-Do and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu both share a heritage from Judo. However, their manifestation of that lineage is significantly different. Keichu-Do, the more formal of the two - emphasizes remaining on one's feet and utilizing strikes, throws and training with Kata to reinforce training method. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is more casual, yet incredibly practical. A Jiu jitsu practicioner typically follows the following methodology: 1. Take your opponent down to the ground, thus limiting his kinetic potential for devastating strikes. 2. Get past your opponents dangerous legs. 3. Establish and ascend through a hierarchy of pins. 4. Control, and if necessary, submit your opponent.
I am very busy with my work schedule, how much time do I need to devote to classes?"Two 1 hour classes are week are recommended, as is practicing at home. As you progress through the ranks if you want more 1:1 attention we offer 1 hour private sessions to help you develop a more refined skill set.
How long does it take to get a black belt?In Keichu-Do Karate, it takes approximately 6 years to earn a black belt. In Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, it takes approximately 10 years to earn a black belt.
What sort of things should I consider when choosing a school?-Is the head coach providing your needs? -Is the gym family friendly? -Is the gym culture humble, or ego driven? -Does the school have a reputation for harming it's students? -Is the gym certified with it's parent organizations? -While learning effective skills, is it fun? -Does the gym do resistance based training (sparring) or is it entirely cooperative? This one is important. There should absolutely be resistance based training involved.
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